On request i show if it’s possible to make a “Ferro_Rod Flare Fire”, lighting the Flare with a Ferro-Rod. You can also see why it’s a good idea to wear protective glasses when playing with Flares 🙂 Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Moscowprepper/1406284822976324?ref_type=bookmark https://www.youtube.com/watch? Music is Free YouTube download: Dub Zap by Gunnar Olsen
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– Today I’m Out On The Snowmobile Scouting The Taiga for Animal Tracks. Especially Moose. Support The Survival-Russia Channel Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/survivalrussia Link To Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/survival-russia My Favorite Brands and Online Shops Russian Tents And Stoves From PF Bereg: https://bereg-ekat.ru/ Tents And Stoves From PF Bereg Canada: https://bereg-canada.com/ Russian Hand Forged Axes And
Top 10 Reasons to Join a Prepper Group. We discuss reason and pitfalls of being part of a mutual assistance group for Survival. Big thanks to Robbie Wheat from Wheaton Arms for joining us! Today’s live video is sponsored by Sportsman’s Guide! Get $20 off any $100+ purchase using code “Sootch” at checkout! 1. Peace
– In This Video I’m Out In The Woods, Metal Detecting An Old Rail Road. The Mission Is To Collect 1 Ton Of Metal, Sell It Off and Donate The Revenue To The Local Kindergarten. How Can I Support Survival-Russia? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SurvivalRussia PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/SuRussiaSupport Mini-Crawlers: https://koira.pro/ Russian Gear & Clothing: https://thesovietrussia.com/ SOVRUS_SR For 5% Discount.