This video series covers several bushcraft methods for staying clean in the wilderness and all the methods are made from items taken from the land. ______________________________________________________________ SIGMA 3 Survival School is one of the largest survival and bushcraft training organizations in the world. With over a decade in operation, and instructors on six continents, we
Survival Tips
Sensible Prepper Presents: DIY Survival Fire Starter. An easy way to prepare Cotton Balls and Vaseline to make an excellent fire tender option. This combo has been around a long time but this the easiest way I’ve seen to put the two together. Thanks for watching! Sootch00
Check Out this NEW – DIY Water Kit – YOU Can Build and Add on for Survival Kits, Bug Out Bags, Camping, Bushcraft, Tactical and Military Operations… Emergencies and Disasters. This Kit ALL Fits in a MOLLE Water Pouch and Could Save YOUR Life in a Pinch! So Let’s Take a Look at How To
Click here to read more about this trap and it’s uses. This video series is a compilation of all the best survival traps for primitive as well as modern trapping. In this series we will cover all the things you need to know about survival trapping. We will begin with very basic traps, and
Sensible Prepper Presents: 15 Uses for Liquor during SHFT. Going back to everyday items that can be used for multiple purposes. Disclaimer: No one was drunk during the making of this video. Thanks For Watching~ Sootch00 Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.
So what’s the big deal with Paracord anyway? The answer is simple and it can save your life. Great paracord: In this video we’ll answer the question, “What is Paracord?” and look at why 550 para cord should be in your Bug Out Bag, emergency kit or backpack. ______ Affordable Paracord we Recommend:
A quick how to video on knife rust removal; many of us carry and use knives day to day and with a high level of use comes maintenance responsibilities, even the most “stainless” of steels will develop rust, corrosion blemishes, pitting etc. While ongoing upkeep is the best way to keep your blade in tip
Top 15 Forever Foods for Survival Be a Team Sootch Minuteman: Sootch00 Gear available at: Thanks For Watching, Liking & Subscribing! ~ Sootch00 Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.
David tests his Ka-Bar Becker BK2 Survival Bushcraft Knife by taking it up on the mountain and having some fun. Is the Becker BK2 one of the best survival knives in the $50-$80 price category? Or could it be THE best? Let’s find out… If You found this Review to be Helpful and are Ready
This video describes the perfect kind of fire pit for using in the wickiup. You can build and all night fire or also use the keyhole portion to not have to cut your wood. ______________________________________________________________ SIGMA 3 Survival School is one of the largest survival and bushcraft training organizations in the world. With over a
Sensible Prepper Presents: SHTF and Everyday ways to Use Dawn Dish Detergent. From Weed Control to Bug Killer, Dawn takes more than Grease Out of Your Way! Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Dawn Dish Detergent in any way. Thanks for watching~ Sootch00 Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network.
Is a .22 Caliber Air Rifle a Viable Alternative to a Standard Firearm for Hunting, Survival, Camping and Bug Out? Top .22 List Below… First… Here’s Air Guns Shown in this Video (See More .22s below): Gamo Fusion MACH 1 .22 Caliber Air Rifle NEWER Version of Silent Stalker Whisper): Gamo Whisper Silent Cat
Learn To Build Your Own Bow Click Here This series of videos teaches you how to build a bow with a minimum amount of tools that will last you a lifetime. It is one of the classes in our master hunter program and this one of the most important skills an archer can attain.
Survival Lessons from The Great Depression #GreatDepression #Survival #Prepping Exclusive Weekly Sensible Prepper videos on Survival Dispatch Insider: Be a Team Sootch Minuteman: Sootch00 Gear available at: Thanks For Watching, Liking & Subscribing! ~ Sootch00 Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.
Is the Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle the BEST .22 Caliber Gun for Bug Out Bags, Camping, Survival Hunting or Disaster Situations? Having a Backpack-Small, Lightweight, Compact, Survival Firearm Could Save Your Life – If Things Go Bad. As PROMISED… HERE Are LINKS to ALL the Gear Mentioned in this Video: Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle:
This video shows you have to make jerky in the wild. ______________________________________________________________ SIGMA 3 Survival School is one of the largest survival and bushcraft training organizations in the world. With over a decade in operation, and instructors on six continents, we have trained more survival instructors than anyone else in the world. All the information